Tasty Dairy Specialties - Stationary Concept & Design

The Brief- When we were first approached by the client we were asked simply, to work on a stationary design that was both refreshing and that showed off the company. What we at Think Beards came up with was a complete re-branding that positioned the organization as a modern brand than still believed in the essence of goodness.

What Was Our Approach?- While working on this particular brief, our first hurdle was understanding Tasty Dairy as an organic entity first and as a client second.
So, here's what we did...
After brainstorming and many a cuppa, we cracked an idea that conveyed a very basic message. It was simplistic yet held an innocent tinge of the clients self belief in their own product.

The THINK BEARDS Idea- Taste That Reflects Goodness.
We delivered a thought campaign that translated our version of what Tasty Dairy wants to tell their clients.